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[pde-build-dev] PDE Build and linked resources?

I'm attempting to use linked resources so that the jar files that are
already available on my machine are used instead of having to copy
them into my project.

e.g. commons-lang.jar is available on my harddrive and I have
configured a linked resource to that location and set up the runtime
classpath to include commons-lang.jar

This builds fine inside Eclipse directly.

   [javac] 1477. ERROR in path\to\src\
   [javac]  (at line 10)
   [javac]     import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
   [javac]            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   [javac] The import org.apache.commons cannot be resolved

The build.xml file is building @dot to include:
			<pathelement path="commons-lang-2.1.jar"/>

which will never exist since they are linked resources.

I never noticed before that the @dot.classpath includes the library
twice if it is in on the runtime classpath.

I'm assuming since the generate script is not replacing the linked
resource's name with the location that this functionality does not yet

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