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Re: [pde-build-dev] PDE Build and RCP - my observations


> It seems to me that there is a lot of room for error in this system.
> What are your thoughts on these issues? Am I making a mountain out of
> a molehill? Is it just the job of a build engineer to do all of this?

I've played with having a small/medium project be built and tested using the pde infrastrucure. It
works well but I'd certainly agree there is a lot of room for improvement for projects that need little custom build steps.

It seems like the current setup is very customizable and powerful, but that this complexity is not hidden from users who have simpler build requirements.

For example, ideally it'd be good to provide the minimal information (in one file)
        (a) what version of eclipse to build against
        (b) a list of plug-in ids and version numbers
        (c) a location in source control where these can be found (and have it assumed the plug-ins map uniformally to that location)

and for testing have a scheme where
        (a) its assumed test plugins will be the same as in (b) above, but with ".tests" on the end of id
        (b) any test suites that are found as part of the ".tests" plugins are automatically added to the list of things to test

(I'm not sure testing is strictly part of the pde-build infrastructure? maybe TPTP provides a better infrastructure)

At the moment there is a lot of information that is redundant, and explicit (when it could be implicit from the pde-build user's point of view). For example, if you have a few different builders, then you'll either end up with several very similar, customTargets.xml and maybe allElements.xml files.

Independently of these issues, there is also an issue that when something does go wrong, the error messages produced often don't help point towards the actual problem. For example, if a plug-in dependency isn't satisfied then the error message would report that the plug-in had not been found, without saying which dependency was not present.

I've seen some bugzillas against either the build or test (sorry I can't remember which) that say ant scripts with sections for the user to fill would be better replaced with custom ant tasks, which would be a big improvement too.


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