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Re: [pde-build-dev] Fwd: PDE Build


Been a while since I was working on this, I had to abandon it for a while.
I'm back on it now, trying to get Subversion working. I've got the FetchScriptGenerator working (using Gunnars patch) and it's spitting out the correct code to the fetch build file. I'm using the svnant Tasks from, I need to define the task in the fetch script before I use it so I print out this before the svn task.
<taskdef name="svn"

This code works for me if I use it in a regular build file and run it using the 'ant' command.

But the fetchFromRepository target is failing saying that " a class needed by class org.tigris.subversion.svnant.SvnTask cannont be found: org/apache/tools/ant/Task" The ant.jar is in my classpath when I launch the antRunner application. does anybody know why it's not finding the class?


Peter Bracken wrote:

Hello Gunnar,

I ran it with the -clean argument and it worked. Thank you. I'm sure I'll have more questions soon!



Gunnar Wagenknecht wrote:

That looks weird. Did you try to start with the "-clean" argument for
refreshing the configuration?

Cu, Gunnar

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