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[paho-dev] Paho Python 1.2 available

Dear all,

The Paho Python client version 1.2 is now available as part of the
Paho 1.2 release.

This fixes a load of bugs and adds some exciting new features.

Websockets support - use "Client.connect(transport='websockets')"

Client.publish() now returns an MQTTMessageInfo object instead of an
(rc, mid) tuple. This object behaves like the tuple for backwards
compatibility, but adds two functions is_published() and
wait_for_published() which allow you to check if a message has been
published or to block until a message has been published (only works
with threaded mode)

New helper functions paho.mqtt.subscribe.simple() and .callback() have
been added. These allow you to create subscribing clients very easily.
.simple() subscribes to a topic and returns a set number of messages.
.callback() runs a callback function every time a message is received.

If the subscribe helper functions sound good, don't forget that
paho.mqtt.publish.single() and .mutiple() already exist.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release.



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