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Re: [paho-dev] subscribing to multiple topics

Hello Francois,

I changed a test program a little, and built it for Linux and it did what I expected -- the message handlers appropriate to each topic were invoked.  I'm attaching it.


On 07/10/2015 08:57 AM, Francois Mace wrote:

Hello Ian,


The full program is rather lengthy since I am parsing a configuration file and initializing different stuffs and data structure for my board.

In the code I increment a counter for each message published so that I can compare the number of publications with the messages I receive.


However, the following code sample might sufficient.

I also added below the output of my program.


You should be able to observe that, though I register to the topics

- MyMod1Al/IN6/ChangeDetected

- MyMod1A1/IN3/ChangeDetected


I only receive messages related to the first subscription, not to the second.


If needed, I could try to write a simplified code to see if I can get more info. Please let me know if this is necessary.





   MQTT::Client<IPStack, Countdown> client = MQTT::Client<IPStack, Countdown>(ipstack);



        printf("Connecting to %s:%d\n", config->hostname, config->port);

    int rc = ipstack.connect(config->hostname, config->port);

               if ((rc != 0)&&(verbose==1))

                   printf("rc from TCP connect is %d\n", rc);


        printf("MQTT connecting\n");

    MQTTPacket_connectData data = ""

    data.MQTTVersion = 3;

    data.clientID.cstring = (char*)config->clientID;


    rc = client.connect(data);

               if ((rc != 0)&&(verbose==1))

                   printf("rc from MQTT connect is %d\n", rc);


        printf("MQTT connected\n");


        if (strcmp(config->relayTopic[i],"None")!=0){


                case 0:

                    rc = client.subscribe(config->relayTopic[i], MQTT::QOS2, switchRelay1);


                case 1:

                    rc = client.subscribe(config->relayTopic[i], MQTT::QOS2, switchRelay2);


                case 2:

                    rc = client.subscribe(config->relayTopic[i], MQTT::QOS2, switchRelay3);


                case 3:

                    rc = client.subscribe(config->relayTopic[i], MQTT::QOS2, switchRelay4);





            if (verbose==1){  

                if (rc != 0)

                    printf("rc from MQTT subscribe (Relay %d, topic %s) is %d\n",



                    printf("MQTT subscription for relay activation %d - topic %s\n",






    MQTT::Message message;


        case 0:

            message.qos = MQTT::QOS0;


        case 1:

            message.qos = MQTT::QOS1;


        case 2:

            message.qos = MQTT::QOS2;



            message.qos = MQTT::QOS0;



        printf("Selected message QoS is %d\n",config->QoS);




            printf("Sample loop\n");*/



                if(sampleChangedInput(fdADC,i,&res,config) != 0)

                    return -1;



                        printf("Change detected on input %d - state value %d\n",i+1,inputState[i]);

                    sprintf(topic, "%s/IN%d/ChangeDetected",config->topic,i+1);

                    sprintf(buf,"In%d - New state value is %d",i+1,inputState[i]);

                    message.payload = (void*)buf;

                    message.payloadlen = strlen(buf)+1;

                    rc = client.publish(topic, message);

                    if (verbose==1){

                        printf("Publishing(%d): \nTopic is %s\nBuf   is %s\n",eventCounter,topic,buf);



                    if ((rc != 0)&&(verbose==1))

                        printf("Error %d from sending message\n", rc);

                    while (arrivedcount == config->QoS)









The output I get from the program is the following:


Parsing configuration file MQTTTest.conf

The content of the configuration file is the following:

    Broker hostname is

    Broker port num is 1883

    Client ID is MyModule1

    Client QoS is 1

    Client default topic is MyMod1Al

    Relay switching activation topic are:

        Relay 1 is MyMod1Al/IN6/ChangeDetected

        Relay 2 is MyMod1A1/IN3/ChangeDetected

        Relay 3 is MyMod1A1/IN1/ChangeDetected

        Relay 4 is None

    Input activation configurations are:

        Input 1 is 1

        Input 2 is 0

        Input 3 is 1

        Input 4 is 0

        Input 5 is 0

        Input 6 is 1

        Input 7 is 0

Connecting to

MQTT connecting

MQTT connected

MQTT subscription for relay activation 1 - topic MyMod1Al/IN6/ChangeDetected

MQTT subscription for relay activation 2 - topic MyMod1A1/IN3/ChangeDetected

MQTT subscription for relay activation 3 - topic MyMod1A1/IN1/ChangeDetected

Selected message QoS is 1

Change detected on input 6 - state value 1


Topic is MyMod1Al/IN6/ChangeDetected

Buf   is In6 - New state value is 1

Change detected on input 6 - state value 0


Message 1 arrived: qos 1, retained 0, dup 0, packetid 1

Payload (len is 27): In6 - New state value is 1

Topic - MyMod1Al/IN6/ChangeDetected



Topic is MyMod1Al/IN6/ChangeDetected

Buf   is In6 - New state value is 0


Message 2 arrived: qos 1, retained 0, dup 0, packetid 2

Payload (len is 27): In6 - New state value is 0

Topic - MyMod1Al/IN6/ChangeDetected


Change detected on input 6 - state value 1


Topic is MyMod1Al/IN6/ChangeDetected

Buf   is In6 - New state value is 1


Change detected on input 6 - state value 0


Topic is MyMod1Al/IN6/ChangeDetected

Buf   is In6 - New state value is 0


Message 3 arrived: qos 1, retained 0, dup 0, packetid 3

Payload (len is 27): In6 - New state value is 1

Topic - MyMod1Al/IN6/ChangeDetected


Change detected on input 3 - state value 1


Topic is MyMod1Al/IN3/ChangeDetected

Buf   is In3 - New state value is 1


Message 4 arrived: qos 1, retained 0, dup 0, packetid 4

Payload (len is 27): In6 - New state value is 0

Topic - MyMod1Al/IN6/ChangeDetected


Change detected on input 3 - state value 0


Topic is MyMod1Al/IN3/ChangeDetected

Buf   is In3 - New state value is 0


Change detected on input 6 - state value 1


Topic is MyMod1Al/IN6/ChangeDetected

Buf   is In6 - New state value is 1


Change detected on input 6 - state value 0


Topic is MyMod1Al/IN6/ChangeDetected

Buf   is In6 - New state value is 0


Message 5 arrived: qos 1, retained 0, dup 0, packetid 5

Payload (len is 27): In6 - New state value is 1

Topic - MyMod1Al/IN6/ChangeDetected


Change detected on input 3 - state value 1


Topic is MyMod1Al/IN3/ChangeDetected

Buf   is In3 - New state value is 1


Message 6 arrived: qos 1, retained 0, dup 0, packetid 6

Payload (len is 27): In6 - New state value is 0

Topic - MyMod1Al/IN6/ChangeDetected


Change detected on input 3 - state value 0


Topic is MyMod1Al/IN3/ChangeDetected

Buf   is In3 - New state value is 0


Change detected on input 6 - state value 1


Topic is MyMod1Al/IN6/ChangeDetected

Buf   is In6 - New state value is 1


Change detected on input 6 - state value 0


Topic is MyMod1Al/IN6/ChangeDetected

Buf   is In6 - New state value is 0


Message 7 arrived: qos 1, retained 0, dup 0, packetid 7

Payload (len is 27): In6 - New state value is 1

Topic - MyMod1Al/IN6/ChangeDetected


Change detected on input 3 - state value 1


Topic is MyMod1Al/IN3/ChangeDetected

Buf   is In3 - New state value is 1


Message 8 arrived: qos 1, retained 0, dup 0, packetid 8

Payload (len is 27): In6 - New state value is 0

Topic - MyMod1Al/IN6/ChangeDetected


Change detected on input 3 - state value 0


Topic is MyMod1Al/IN3/ChangeDetected

Buf   is In3 - New state value is 0


^CFinishing with 8 messages received



François Macé


paho-dev mailing list
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Ian Craggs                          
icraggs@xxxxxxxxxx                 IBM United Kingdom
Paho Project Lead; Committer on Mosquitto


#include "MQTTClient.h"


#include "linux.cpp"

int arrivedcount = 0;

void messageArrived1(MQTT::MessageData& md)
    MQTT::Message &message = md.message;

	printf("Message %d arrived1: qos %d, retained %d, dup %d, packetid %d\n", 
		++arrivedcount, message.qos, message.retained, message.dup,;
	printf("Topic %.*s\n", md.topicName.lenstring.len,;
    printf("Payload %.*s\n\n", (int)message.payloadlen, (char*)message.payload);

void messageArrived2(MQTT::MessageData& md)
    MQTT::Message &message = md.message;

	printf("Message %d arrived2: qos %d, retained %d, dup %d, packetid %d\n", 
		++arrivedcount, message.qos, message.retained, message.dup,;
	printf("Topic %.*s\n", md.topicName.lenstring.len,;
    printf("Payload %.*s\n\n", (int)message.payloadlen, (char*)message.payload);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    IPStack ipstack = IPStack();
    float version = 0.3;
    const char* topic1 = "MyMod1Al/IN6/ChangeDetected";
	const char* topic2 = "MyMod1A1/IN3/ChangeDetected";
    printf("Version is %f\n", version);
    MQTT::Client<IPStack, Countdown> client = MQTT::Client<IPStack, Countdown>(ipstack);
    const char* hostname = "";
    int port = 1883;
    printf("Connecting to %s:%d\n", hostname, port);
    int rc = ipstack.connect(hostname, port);
	if (rc != 0)
	    printf("rc from TCP connect is %d\n", rc);
	printf("MQTT connecting\n");
    MQTTPacket_connectData data = MQTTPacket_connectData_initializer;       
    data.MQTTVersion = 3;
    data.clientID.cstring = (char*)"mbed-icraggs";
    rc = client.connect(data);
	if (rc != 0)
	    printf("rc from MQTT connect is %d\n", rc);
	printf("MQTT connected\n");
    rc = client.subscribe(topic1, MQTT::QOS2, messageArrived1);   
    if (rc != 0)
        printf("rc from MQTT subscribe is %d\n", rc);
	rc = client.subscribe(topic2, MQTT::QOS2, messageArrived2);  
    if (rc != 0)
        printf("rc from MQTT subscribe is %d\n", rc);

    MQTT::Message message;

    // QoS 0
    char buf[100];
    sprintf(buf, "Hello World!  QoS 0 message from app version %f", version);
    message.qos = MQTT::QOS0;
    message.retained = false;
    message.dup = false;
    message.payload = (void*)buf;
    message.payloadlen = strlen(buf)+1;
    rc = client.publish(topic2, message);
	if (rc != 0)
		printf("Error %d from sending QoS 0 message\n", rc);
    else while (arrivedcount == 0)
    // QoS 1
	printf("Now QoS 1\n");
    sprintf(buf, "Hello World!  QoS 1 message from app version %f", version);
    message.qos = MQTT::QOS1;
    message.payloadlen = strlen(buf)+1;
    rc = client.publish(topic1, message);
	if (rc != 0)
		printf("Error %d from sending QoS 1 message\n", rc);
    else while (arrivedcount == 1)
    // QoS 2
    sprintf(buf, "Hello World!  QoS 2 message from app version %f", version);
    message.qos = MQTT::QOS2;
    message.payloadlen = strlen(buf)+1;
    rc = client.publish(topic2, message);
	if (rc != 0)
		printf("Error %d from sending QoS 2 message\n", rc);
    while (arrivedcount == 2)
    rc = client.disconnect();
    //if (rc != 0)
        printf("rc from disconnect was %d\n", rc);
    printf("Finishing with %d messages received\n", arrivedcount);
    return 0;

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