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[paho-dev] Mqtt Paho - Trying to publish while broker is unreachable

Hi all paho-dev members.

This is my first (baby) step in the "Internet of things" world, and I'm having a hard time with it :)

Let me introduce myself : I'm Pablo, a french developer who is trying to connect raspberry pi sensors to a central server to process sensors values. 

But I'm having a hard time handling WiFi instability in my environment.

So I'm copying here a message I already put in the open on StackOverflow

Thank you for any help you could provide.

I'm going back to the Java Paho source code to try answering my question by myself ;)

I'm begininng to use Mqtt and I have a hard time with handling an unreliable network. I'm using a Paho Java Client (in groovy) to publish messages to a distant Mosquitto Broker.

Is there a way, when the broker is unreachable, to have the Paho client persist the message and automatically re-connect to the broker and publish the locally stored messages ? Do I have to handle everything myself, using for example a local broker ?

Here is my client building code

    String persistenceDir = config['persistence-dir'] ?: System.getProperty('')
    def persistence = new MqttDefaultFilePersistence(persistenceDir)
    client = new MqttClient(uri, clientId, persistence)
    options = new MqttConnectOptions()
    if (config.password) {
        options.setPassword(config.password as char[])

And my publish code

  def message = new MqttMessage(Json.encode(outgoingMessage).getBytes())
    try {
    def topic = client.getTopic('processMsg')
    def token = topic.publish(message)
    if (client) {


Pablo Lopez
email & gtalk : plopez@xxxxxxxx / mob: +33-
Xebia, Software Development Done Right.

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