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[p2-dev] p2 Test Cases

Hi everyone,

I was looking at the recent test failures in p2, and fixed a few. Here is a summary.

testNickname (2 failures)
This was a problem with test ordering. With JUnit 4 order matters, and we had other tests that were changing the nickname of a repository. I fixed this by clearing the Nickname in these other tests.

testGZFileAreNotUnzipped (1 failure)
We were running a test that was using the symbolic name of an ECF bundle in the test. This bundle's name has changed (it had the segment httpclient which was changed to httpclient4). I've updated the test and it now passes locally.

SharedConfigurationTests (2 failure)
I haven't looked at these. Pascal has been doing some things with Shared Installs, and I hope he can investigate this.

AbstractSharedInstallTest (2 failure)
I haven't looked at these. Pascal has been doing some things with Shared Installs, and I hope he can investigate this.

In summary, the first 3 test failures have been fixed, although they were only problems with the tests themselves. The last 4 are still there. Since the shared install support is something that is currently under development, and Pascal seems to have a good grip on this, I'm not calling to call a Stop Ship for M6. Pascal, if you feel otherwise, please let us know.


R. Ian Bull | EclipseSource Victoria | +1 250 477 7484 |

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