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Re: [p2-dev] Overriding config.ini properties to dynamically select the Profile and to load

Hi All,

If above approach of substituting values in config.ini is not possible by passing runtime arguments ,can I pass all arguments without reading config.ini?
I tried this passing the following arguments at startup;

With above approach the org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator.configUrl argument is properly taken and the bundles are loaded as per the pointed But the eclipse.p2.profile argument is not taken properly and the application fails to load the installation details of the profile.

Could this because org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core bundle only reads the config.ini to load eclipse.p2.profile and values?
Appreciate any help on this.


On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 12:43 PM, Dileepa Jayakody <dileepa@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi All,

I'm trying to implement multiple-profile support in our eclipse based system by pre-provisioning several P2 Profiles and dynamically select the relevant and P2-Profile at startup.

I have modified the structure of our eclipse-based app as below to support multiple-profiles;

|    |--org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator/
|    |--org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator/

|          |--profileRegistry
|                |--ProfileA.profile        
|                |--ProfileB.profile

If I manually edit the config.ini properties before startup like below I can load the bundles and profile relevant to ProfileA installation and everything works fine;

 But when I try to automate this by overriding config.ini properties by passing like below it doesn't work and application doesn't startup;

It seems by passing -Dprofile=ProfileA , the config.ini's values are not substituted by ProfileA.
Is it not possible to substitute config.ini properties by passing system properties like above?

Any insight on this will be really helpful.


Dileepa Jayakody,
Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.
Lean . Enterprise . Middleware

Mobile : +94777-857616

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