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Re: [p2-dev] Ericsson contribs to Kepler

Thank you Ericsson !
(and Pascal)

- henrik

On Sep 12, 2012, at 17:19, Pascal Rapicault wrote:

As you may have guessed from previous emails, I’m going to do some paid work on behalf of Ericsson. Since the expected contributions will go beyond a couple of bug fixes, I’m giving you a heads up on the work to come.
At this point the work is scoped to improving shared installs. Shared install (when the eclipse install is marked read only) has been an area where p2 has had some rudimentary supports since the first release but where many corner cases fell short (and not many ppl were interested in doing the work).
At this point the work scheduled includes the following bugs with a focus on the windows platform:
                Basic bugs
                Bug 249133 - [shared] Default update site list blank in shared install
                (probably others)
                Improving handling of changes in the base
Bug 389411 - [shared] Provide a nice to way to bring plugins over from a previous install
Bug 304132 - [shared] Upgrading shared base causes loss of user installed plug-ins
Bug 329587 - [shared] Review product update story
                Bug 358094 - Installing plugin into central shared eclipse breaks p2 cascaded configurations
Don’t forget to thank Ericsson J
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