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[p2-dev] Site with space character in the URL


i am building an Eclipse based application with Tycho.
As I am also building the update site part of the build, I am using the AddRepository touchpoint action in my product p2.inf file.
The problem I have is that the URL for my site has space characters.
So if, in the p2.inf file, I don't escape the ' ' characters, the TYcho build fails: in fact, Tycho launches the P2 director application and it fails because of illegar characters in the site URI.
So, I escaped space characters (as %20) in p2.inf, the Tycho build now complete but when I launched my product, I can see the sites, but if I check for new software, P2 cannot retrieve info from the site because it seems the %20 have not been unescaped.

Do you know if this is supported and if I am missing something ?



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