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Re: [p2-dev] SimpleConfigurator/ not get created in the product structure

Hi Hugues,

thanks for the quick reply. Actually I was following your trails,
found in tycho JIRA[1] . In the jira you have stated that director
takes care of generating if we give a custom config.ini
in the .product file. Can't we use that approach ? Is it still valid ?

I would love to use tycho for my product build, but my organizations
requirements are bit different. tycho product builds achieve this
without a problem. Looking in to their code reveal no magic. They are
using publisher and director without much difference.

>With both techniques we end-up hardcoding the exact version of p2 and equinox used by the product

sorry I'm not getting your point. I'm quite new to p2. can you please
explain this.


thanks again.


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