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RE: [p2-dev] Updates and p2 Install wizard

Hi Thomas, 

You cannot update your feature xyz (and you get "no update found" message), because it has the same version as in the repository. 
P2 downloads all necessary "requirements" when you install your feature, but I don't think that it should check whether these requirements are updated and download these updates on feature update.
Since the feature does not explicitly requires the new version of abc bundle, it is considered as "up-to-date". Satisfied dependencies of the feature are not forcefully updated when a new version of abc comes - 
this is the same behaivior as described in OSGi spec for bundles.

What you could do is explicitly download abc bundle before downloading the feature - thus you'll have the possibility to update abc independently from your feature and use whatever vesion of abc you want.

I hope that helps.

Kind regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: p2-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:p2-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Thomas Hallgren
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 12:50 PM
To: P2 developer discussions
Subject: [p2-dev] Updates and p2 Install wizard

Consider the following:

1. I have a feature xyz version 1.0.0 with a requirement to a bundle abc 
2. I install xyz using the p2 install wizard. The resulting install now 
contains xyz-1.0.0 and bundle abc-1.7.0.
3. The bundle abc-1.7.1 is published in a repository that is available 
to me.

My xyz-1.0.0 can now use abc-1.7.1 without modification. Great! This is 
one of the key motivators for using version ranges. Unfortunately, p2 
seems to lack some support for this in the UI:

4. I go to the install wizard. There is no indication that an update is 
available for xyz-1.0.0.

Although disappointing, I can live with it knowing to indicate that p2 
must resolve all visible features in order to detected underlying 
updates and that would take some time. But what's worse is what happens 

5. I check my xyz-1.0.0 anyway and click Next. I get this error message:

Cannot complete the request.  See the error log for details.
"Feature xyz" will be ignored because it is already installed.

I know it's installed. I want to update it anyway because I know that 
newer content exists that it can make use of. Why am I not allowed to do 
that here? Perhaps this is just done when checking if updates are 
available? So I try that:

6. I click on "Check of updates..."

I dialog box pops up. "No updates found".

It seems like something is missing because now I'm forced to use the 
command line director application to perform my update.

- thomas

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