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Re: [p2-dev] How to build a product that includes P2 support, but is only executed on the console

Title: Re: [p2-dev] How to build a product that includes P2 support, but is only executed on the console

Thanks for your response.
Actually I am able to export the product using the export wizard and create a runnable product using the director.
But obviously the export wizard does more than the P2 commands.

While using the IDE does indeed produce the repository as I expect, this does not happen during the PDE build.
So with the resulting repository from the build I cannot create an executable product ... :-(


On 4/20/10 17:21, "Michael Mangeng" <michael.mangeng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Juergen!

I've created the same just a few weeks ago.

First you have to create a product definition file - there you have to include:
=> Required P2 plugins (i've created a separate feature for them and included all of the p2 plugins there - excluding source plugins of course)
=> Include eclipse dependencies (take a look at the p2 agent distribution to get the required plugins - you can find it at )
=> Include your own required features

I recommend you use the release I20100414-1200 as 3.6M6 got some nasty bugs if you're working with p2 and the more recent versions got a NPE in product export (at least in my case...) :-)

After that - export your product and select the "Generate metadata repository" flag in the export wizard. This will generate a p2 enabled product and a repository.


I just saw that jeff recommended the OSGi and equinox book - i recommend it also as it gives you detailed information on the whole topic.


Am 20.04.2010 um 16:39 schrieb Jürgen Kindler:

Hi all,

I would like to use the PDE build to create a standalone server product that supports provisioning.

Basically I would like to reuse the p2 configuration stuff a product usually supports
(profiles & startup of installed bundles from the p2 ( configuration/org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator/ ).

Apart from that I could live without a native starter as the server does not provide a GUI.

Any hints/directions what I have to do?
Juergen Kindler
p2-dev mailing list

Jürgen Kindler
Senior Quality Engineer
Tel.:    +49 228-182 190-55
Fax:    +49 228-182 191 93

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