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[osee-dev] Migration from SVN to Git Complete

The SVN to Git migration of the org.eclipse.osee repository is complete.  Please see the 5 sections on git in the wiki at for instructions.

Ryan Brooks

The story of the migration is documented here
The final steps after the import from SVN are documented below:

1. Set global params:
        git config --global http.sslverify "false"
        git config --global http.postbuffer "524288000"
        git config --global core.autocrlf "false"

2.      Clone org.eclipse.osee repository
        git clone https://<>

3.       make 0.9.6_dev branch
        git checkout -b 0.9.6_dev master

4.       Perform Cleanups on 0.9.6_dev
        find . -type f -name *.MF -o -name *.java -o -name .classpath -o -name *.properties -o -name .project -o -name plugin.xml -o -name *.html -o -name *.osee -o -name *.txt -o -name .options -o -name *.ini -o -name *.launch -o -name *.epf | xargs dos2unix -bU
        git commit -am "convert all line terminators to Unix style"

        import org.eclipse.osee.git into workspace
        Eclipse source cleanup
        Format source code
        git commit -am "Eclipse source cleanup and format"

5.       Create integration branch
        git checkout -b 0.9.6_int 0.9.6_dev

6.       Move head pointer on master to 0.9.5 Creation
        git checkout master
        git reset --hard 59f9aeec1800ce305d6075446f99269385af9c9b

7.      Create 0.9.5 tag
        git tag -a -m "OSEE Release 0.9.5" 0.9.5.v201008280938
        git push origin 0.9.5.v201008280938

8.       Push 0.9.6 branches
        git push origin 0.9.6_dev
        git push origin 0.9.6_int

9.       Perform Cleanups on master/0.9.5
        git checkout master
        Eclipse source cleanup
        Format source code
        git commit -am "Eclipse source cleanup and format"

        find . -type f -name *.MF -o -name *.java -o -name .classpath -o -name *.properties -o -name .project -o -name plugin.xml -o -name *.html -o -name *.osee -o -name *.txt -o -name .options -o -name *.ini -o -name *.launch -o -name *.epf | xargs dos2unix -bU
        git commit -am "convert all line terminators to Unix style"

        git push -f

10.  Delete duplicate branches and unwanted tags
        git push origin :TestBranch :Connector%20Service%20Development :blah :TestBranch@27007 :TestBranch@27006 :Testing@27012 :Testing@27006 :MS_0_1_5_20080304 :MS_0_2_0_20080619 :MS_0_4_0_20080926 :MS_0_5_0_20081201 :MS_0_1_4_20080103 :MS_0_8_2_20091010 :MS_0_6_0_20090114 :MS_0_7_0_20090304 :MS_0_8_1_20090630 :MS_0.8.2_20091010 :MS_0.8.3_20091014 :MS_0_9_3_20100315@27028 :MS_0_9_5_20100828 :MS_0_9_2_20100310 :MS_0_9_2_20100311 :083build :082build :MS_0.1.4M2

11.  Edit description
        scp into download1@xxxxxxxxxxx
        edit /home/data/git/osee/org.eclipse.osee.git/description

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