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[osee-dev] 4 Bundles Retired and 1 Renamed

The following bundles have been retired (i.e. moved to
	org.eclipse.osee.updatesite   - no longer used for building OSEE
now that we use the PDE ant scripts exclusively
	org.eclipse.osee.framework.antsupport      - no longer used for
building OSEE now that we use the PDE ant scripts exclusively
	org.eclipse.osee.dependancies.updatesite   - no longer used for
building OSEE now that we use the PDE ant scripts exclusively
	javax.mail.glassfish   - we now get this plug-in from Orbit

org.eclipse.osee.master.feature has been renamed and moved to
org.eclipse.osee.client.feature to better distinish from the server

Ryan Brooks

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