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[orion-dev] Orion globalization - strings externalzied

Hi All,
as you probably noticed Strings in Orion have been externalized and they
now can be translated.
I externalized strings in all UIs that are currently available for the user
in standard Orion distribution, this of course involved changing your code.
I tried my best to externalize only strings that should be externalized,
but please verify if I did well. Especially in places when you store some
human-readable names, like preferences or places where you parse/edit
incoming messages.

>From now on string externalization is also your job.
Every time you change UI mark strings that should not be externalized as
NON-NLS and move those that should be to messages files. Most of the
javascript files that contribute to UI should already have messages files
included, but if you need to include messages in a new file please use
'i18n!module/to/messages/file' in requireJS define.

To make your (and mine) like easier I created a plugin that helps string
externalization and validates your files in editor. You can install it
from: [orion_path]/plugins/nonnlsPlugin.html.

best regards,

Malgorzata Janczarska
Software Developer
IBM SWG Lab. Cracow. Poland

IBM Polska Sp. z o.o. oddział w Krakowie
ul. Armii Krajowej 18,
30-150 Kraków

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