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[orion-dev] Handling contributions with Git

I just wanted to remind everybody that we should no longer use the iplog+ flag on bugs with contributions that were made via Git. We now track author information for contributions via Git. When accepting a third party patch, pull request, etc, you should set the Git commit's "Author" field to the contributor's name/email to track attribution. If you cherry-picked their commit from another repository this should be set already, but just double-check it as you are committing. To be clear, no bugzilla flag is needed anymore at all for contributions now that we are using Git (as long as the author field was set correctly). Contributors still need to provide the blurb that they wrote all the code themselves and have the right to contribute it to Eclipse.

We should of course leave the iplog+ flag in place on old bugs that tracked contributions to CVS prior to our move to Git. I will be fixing up some bugzillas that incorrectly have the flag, so just ignore these if you see them go by.

For complete details, here is the Foundation document on handling contributions when using Git:


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