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Re: [orion-dev] "Recent commits on origin/master"

On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 10:35 AM, Libing Wang <Libing_Wang@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

The original design approach of the "mini logs" in the git status page was to show user the most recent 5 commits on both working and remote branches.
So they are lighter weight representations of git log on both remote and local mode. By this user is able to compare quickly and do merge if it is needed.

Yes, this design is clear (tho to be sure I never use git log page), but the implementation misses, because the UI shows stale data for the remote branch.

All of these convenience were based on one assumption: user has to fetch/merge manually by the commands provided by the UI(available from both git status and log).

Right, and that is why this is not really a convenience. To use the page you have to refresh it twice.

I am not sure automatic fetching is good or not. To me, as a typical git user, if it fetches something automatically when I only go to the git status page, I will be really surprised. But it's just my personal feeling.

But if it does not fetch automatically then the label ought to be "Stale data about recent commits on origin/master" ;-)

I understand that "git status" leads one to imagine that the page will only do the same operations as "git status", hence the surprise you might experience. Then perhaps the page ought to be something other than "git status", it should be "for the every day common case, do the things I need to push and pull to remote repo".  The atomic git commands are the right thing for an API, but surfacing the API all they way to the top of the App just makes it tedious to use.

If we really want to do so, we may want to do it from git log navigator widget to make both mini and full versions of log consistent.

I don' t know about this, I don't know that page.

Plus, we also need to consider saving git credentials( to make it silent.

It's always silent for me. I only have to input credentials on push.


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