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Re: [orion-dev] Firebug integration

On 2/19/2011 10:33 AM, Boris Bokowski wrote:

John J. Barton wrote on 2011/02/19 12:59:33:
> the thing that is in the window is some complicated dojo application not
> a component that can be talked to.  (I'm basing this on trying to read
> the code, I didn't find any docs).

This is not because we wanted it to be this way, it's because we didn't have anybody who wanted to consume the editor with key bindings etc. as a component yet. Sounds like now is the time to work on making it a component.

What's the interface you would like to see? The simplest possible interface I can think of is an object you can call setText and getText on. You could pass the id of a div in the constructor, or something like that. You probably want to be called when the dirty state changes. Anything else?

That pretty much describes what I have now with editor.js, so it would work. I also need to highlight a line in the editor and tell the user why the line was selected (hit various kinds of breakpoints, errors, links to functions).
Eventually to complete the integration we'll need
  obtain the code under the mouse (for fly-over inspector)
  highlight a range of text,
  get the selected range of source, (for watch evaluation)

Who would react to Ctrl+S, the editor?

If by Ctrl+S you mean save to server, I think the answer is "the editor, but if it can't, don't go nuts". For normal web app dev it seems like the editor should save; for prototyping work the ideal case is the editor should save and the server should support trivial roll back; for exploratory work on sites you don't own the editor can't save but Firebug can still apply the changes to the live image.

Separately there is "I'm happy with my editing so far, I want to see how well its working". That can be bound to Ctrl+S. But it also could be more or less aggressive, and it could be a separate control. The Java hot loading solution in eclipse binds it to save so that is where to start.

What about the outline and the error markers, would you expect that to be part of the component?

Yes, I believe that is what users will want. However, one of my goals however is it make error markers obsolete. I want to stop and fix errors immediately, not create a list of them, fix them, then retry.

I've filed an enhancement request for the detailed discussion:

Thanks, that sounds great!



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