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[orbit-dev] bundle for javax.annotation.Nullable


we are consuming the Orbit Guava bundle and came across an error that javax.annotation.Nullable can not be resolved while trying to extend Guava classes. The javax.annotation package isn't needed at runtime (so the bundle works fine) and is only an optional package import in the Guava bundle but it would be helpful to have the annotations for development.

I looked around and there is a javax.annotation bundle in Orbit but it doesn't contain the Nullable annotation. It appears that JSR 305 under which these annotations were proposed is dormant [1] so the annotations never became standard but nevertheless a reference implementation is already available on Maven Central and consumed by libraries such as Guava.

I was wondering if attempts have been made to provide the JSR 305 RI [2] as an Orbit bundle or if this topic has already been discussed elsewhere?




Steffen Pingel
Principal Software Engineer, Eclipse Mylyn
Mylyn Tasks Lead

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