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Re: [orbit-dev] Important LogBack/SLF4J Fix

Am 23.01.2012 17:04, schrieb Igor Fedorenko:
> The bugzilla does not provide much details about the actual problem, so
> it's hard to assess the impact. But fwiw, m2e uses slf4j/logback and
> everything appears to work just fine with juno m4.

I updated the bugzilla with a stack trace and more details. The problem
only exists in version 1.0.0 of the bundles which are in build
S20120120232307 (Orbit M5 build).

How do you reference the LogBack bundles? We previously had a feature
which prevented p2 from fetching the latest version. Thus, we still ran
with the old version and everything was fine. Only after removing the
constraint we discovered the issue because then p2 picked the correct
(1.0) version for install.

Given that both bundles are in Orbit _and_ it's a major version change,
chances are high that a lot consumers will still use version 0.9.x.
Thus, the impact might not be as high as I suspected it.


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