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[orbit-dev] RE: Problem with building feature when feature use orbit'splug-ins (Andrew Niefer)

Hi Andrew and Martin,

Thank you for your promptly replies, but I believe my description of
the problem has caused some misunderstanding, so I attached a zip file
to demonstrate the problem more clearly. The file contains 5 project:
commons.lang (2.1), testA, testB, TestFeature and
TestFeatureUpdatesite. You can import them as existing project from an
archive and build the update site to produce the error.

To Andrew,
As you can see in the attached projects, commons.lang plugin is
checked out and existed as a normal plugins in my workspace. So I
don't think I need to fetch it again, nor I actually need it inside my

To Martin,
I am not sure what you mean with "Eclipse Packager". I may have to ask
about this, as I do want to include some of orbit library in a support
feature, just so it's more convenient for user to download and install
our plugin.

However, our problem at the moment is not in building individual
plugins, but it building them as a feature, or in update site.
Building individually, my plugins are compiled and run without any
complains. But when I build the feature in update site, the error
happens, which seems to me that:
1. The update site build is actually try to compile my plugin source
again, together but in different threads
2. One of those thread locks the class file in commons.lang, which
makes the next thread, compile the next plugin but need commons.lang,
report the unresolv error.

Does this seem to be the case to you ? And if it is, is there anyway
for me to walk-around/fix it ?

Dennis Nguyen (Uy Dung Nguyen)

Software Developer
Kestral Computing Pty Ltd
E-mail: dennisn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Phone: + 61 3 9450 2222
Fax: + 61 3 9450 2299

Proudly sponsoring 'Amie' - guide dog for the blind

Description: Zip archive

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