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Re: [openpass-wg] Implementation OSI in OpenPASS

Hello openPASS community,


Sorry for the setup not working out of the box. I’m currently refining the OSI setup guide and will address the issues that arose. Expect the update tomorrow.


Best regards,



Von: openpass-wg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <openpass-wg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> Im Auftrag von Konstantin Blenz
Gesendet: Freitag, 17. August 2018 16:04
An: openpass-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: [openpass-wg] Implementation OSI in OpenPASS


Dear OpenPASS members,


we are very happy, that the OSI commit is now available. Since the first version of it we were trying to build the whole project, but while doing this we were confronted with several problems.

For the implementation we followed the OSI Setup guide, which isn’t quite unambiguous. Here some questions that came up:


  • Which version of protobuf has been used and did you defined any special environmental variables?
  • Could you please specify the paths on the setup guide (3.2.)?
  • Which compiler has been used and do we have to specify any versions of it in the cmakelists.txt? Building with VisualStudio produces linking-errors.
  • Which is the correct part of the pull-request? If I use the newest, there isn’t any use of the files osi_road.proto and osi_worldinterface.proto, which I need to compile the whole openPASS project.
  • After building the open-simulation-interface, where do I have to put all the build files to in my OpenPASS project-folder? (.h, .cc and .lib files)


You see, question upon question, but we are trying since the commit-release and probably we are able to fix it in some time, but within our projects time is money, so maybe you are able to help easily.


Maybe it is neccessary to specify every step in an revision of the setup guide, that would be great.


Thank you and best regards 

Dipl.-Ing. Konstantin Blenz

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Forschungsbereich: Fahrzeug- und Verkehrssicherheit

AMFD – Auto Mobil Forschung Dresden GmbH

Freiberger Straße 37

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Technische Universität Dresden

Institut für Automobiltechnik Dresden - IAD

Lehrstuhl Kraftfahrzeugtechnik

George-Baehr-Straße 1c

01062 Dresden


Tel.: +49 351 463-32127

Fax: +49 351 463-37066

Email: konstantin.blenz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx





AMFD – Auto Mobil Forschung Dresden GmbH

Ein Unternehmen der TUDAG Technische Universität Dresden AG


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