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[oaw-wg] oAW workinggroup meeting minutes November 3rd, 2009


here are the minutes of our monthly telco.

- Dieter Moroff
- Ekke Gentz
- Peter Friese
- Markus Völter
- Karsten Thoms

The following persons could not participate:
- Sven Efftinge
- Jan Köhnlein
- Heiko Behrens
- Moritz Eysholdt

1) oAW distro
2) Tutorials

Topic 1: oAW Distro
- currently, no branded oAW distro exists
- itemis distro / Xtext distro being built by shell script
	- creates distro for all major platforms
- components are downloaded as archives, then unarchived and repackacked
- idea: use / enhance itemis build script to build oAW distro
- also including oAW Visualization / EA Adapter, etc (aka 3rd party components)
- 3rd party components must provide at least one of:
	- update site
	- binary archive consumable by build script
- this distro will initially be called oAW 5
- distro can be hosted on or
- if possible: provide aggregate update site at

- Peter: check if we can use "itemis distro build script" to build oAW distro
- Peter: check if we can get a repo at Eclipse to store the build script
- Karsten: provide draft for featre matrix
- Dieter: check if Hudson build possible with bash script

Topic 2: Tutorials
- all current tutorials are out of date
- idea: create a new, all-compassing tutorial, covering not only oAW, but also CDO and other interesting EMP technologies
	- try to create "umbrella" story
	- various parties can contribute individual tutorials
- try to convince itemis to "sponsor" part of the tutorials by providing man power

- Markus / Peter: bring the topic to the table at the next itemis OSS meeting

End of minutes.


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