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[nebula-dev] BREE of Nebula components

Dear Nebula devs,

What is the policy for changing (increasing) BREE of components?

Although the first case is trivial*, there are numerous language and
library features in Java 7 and 8 that would be nice to have. The
Visualization / XYGraph plug-in is having a major version bump for the
Nubula 1.3 release due to the significant improvements and API
changes. Increasing the BREE (arguably+) requires a bump to the major
version number, so take aid development over the coming years of
Visualization / XYGraph it would certainly be convenient to do it now
and be able to take advantage of the trivial and significant
improvements in Java 7 and 8.


* In we just want to use Objects
introduced in 1.7.
+ there has been some debate about this over the years...

Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders Ltd.

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