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[nebula-dev] New topic in forum Nebula, called Remove trace from XYGraph, by Sigrid Johnsson

Title: Eclipse Community Forums
Subject: Remove trace from XYGraph Author: Sigrid Johnsson Date: Wed, 17 December 2014 11:26
I am using the XYGraph from the Nebula Visualization Widgets. In my program, I can add traces to the graph but I can't really manage to remove the traces correctly.

For example, I am trying to clear all traces from the graph by iterating over my collection of traces and using xyGraph.removeTrace(trace). This seems to remove the traces from the graph since they are no longer visible, but in the same time it corrupts the graph. It seems like some kind of old trace data are left in the graph, because when I press the button "Perform Auto Scale" on my graph view, it includes the empty space where the removed traces were last visible.

How can I remove the traces completly from the graph? Is there some way to refresh the XYGraph that will remove the old trace data?

Thank you in advanced!
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