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Re: [nebula-dev] EclipseCon Nebula Talk help needed

On 09/08/2013 07:01 PM, Wim Jongman wrote:
Hi widget maintainers,
I need your help on our EclipseCon talk. 
I will discuss our various widgets and I request some input from you. Although I know most of the widgets, there are probably some points that I am not aware of.
Very cool!

About the Tree Mapper:
Q. Why did you create your widget; what (business) problem has been solved with it.
I was doing some integration/SOA stuff (BPEL, SOAP and so on) and I found it quite complicated to configure even the simplest data mapping using XSLT or other transformation language. As data types are often strurctured, we can often view them as a Tree, and I thought it would make sense to define data mapping just by drag'n'dropping item from a Tree to another.
That's more or less the story I've told here when I contributed the widget:
That something I remember we wished to implement for Eclipse JWT 5 to 6 years ago, and the same use-case came back for the BPEL designer 2 years ago. At that time, I could implement it.

Q. What are other uses of your widget beside the obvious ones.
Any mapping can be implemented with trees. We can imagine task or resource assignment (one tree represent people in organization, and the other represent the resource of the task), we can also use this as a diff tool between structured types (I remember folks at Obeo were interested, not sure if they use it for EMF Compare, or Sirius, or another tool of the Eclipse or Obeo Modeling stack).

Q. Do you know if your widget runs in the RAP environment.
Unfortunately, I don't know.

PS: I've replied to the mailing-list as the answers to these questions may have value for some people reading the mailing-list. And as you can read, there is nothing worth making those answers private ;)
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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