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Re: [nebula-dev] Welcome Hallvard Traetteberg as a new technology.nebula Committer

I performed all these steps, but got the following error message when push'ing:

hallvard-trttebergs-macbook-pro-3:org.eclipse.nebula hal$ git push origin master
Counting objects: 274, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (65/65), done.
Writing objects: 100% (270/270), 74.13 KiB, done.
Total 270 (delta 110), reused 270 (delta 110)
remote: error: does not know this committer,
remote: or this this committer cannot commit to this project (gid=8419 repo:org.eclipse.nebula): stepan.rutz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
remote: denied: You (htraetteb) cannot push changes that were not committed by you or members of your project. Please fix your repository, and see for information on configuring your Git environment.
remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/master
To ssh://htraetteb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/gitroot/nebula/org.eclipse.nebula.git
 ! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://htraetteb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/gitroot/nebula/org.eclipse.nebula.git'

The problem is that some of the changes, documentation I think, at hallvard/nebula@github where performed by Stepan, which is not (yet) a committer. Is there a way of removing only this commit, so I can push the rest?


On 18.05.12 18.33, Wim Jongman wrote:
Then, to get everything into the eclipse repository:

go to an empty directory:

// Clone the official git repository
$ git clone ssh://YOURECLIPSECOMMITTERID@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/gitroot/nebula/org.eclipse.nebula.git

// Add a master to hallvard github
$ git remote add upstream

//Fetches any of your changes
$ git fetch upstream

// Merges any changes fetched into your local working files
$ git merge upstream/master

// Push the changes back to eclipse
$ git push origin master

This should fix it.


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