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[nebula-dev] Received a huge RCP/RAP patch for datechooser


I have received a patch [1] from Arnaud Mergey which enables the
datechooser and formattedtext to be run inside a RAP environment. It
is clear that Arnaud has put in a lot of work to get this widget
working for RAP and we appreciate this very much, obviously.

However, I want to discuss with you how to handle the following

* It is obvious that a lot of RAP specific code has been introduced
into the widget. The maintainer of the widget has to take this into
account in the future. However, there is  currently no maintainer
since we have not heard from Eric Wuillai, the original contributor.

* What about allowing optional SWT bundle dependency in the manifest
in combination with optional RAP bundle dependencies. Is this
acceptable or do we then opt for import package. (optional
dependencies could potential cause some side effects like build
resolution problems)

* Can we risk taking in such a large contribution for the current
adopters of DateChooser

Please let me know your opinions.




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