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Re: [nebula-dev] IP Log, etc.

If I'm not mistaken, in Platform UI we keep track of this by tagging bugs as "contributed" when there are code contributions from outside the Eclipse membership. As I understand it, the bylaws only require us to track contributions so that IP is clearly delineated--it does not mandate where or how that log is constituted. So it could just as easily be in a special file in CVS as in tags in Bugzilla. This is just my understanding though--check with Eclipse legal to be sure.


Nicolas Richeton wrote:
Hi Peter,

AFAIK there is no IP log for Nebula. I talked with Janet Campbell about it at "Eclipse Now You Can" but I did not have the time to create one since that. I'm also ready to create an IP log for Gallery, I guess it's better to create one log per component.


Le 28 mars 08 à 18:21, Peter Centgraf a écrit :

Fellow Nebula Devs,

Does anyone know where the IP Log for Nebula is kept? According to the Eclipse rules, we should track all contributions in a central file of some kind. We'll need to submit this if we ever get to a Release Review. I hunted around the CVS and couldn't find it. Should I start one separately for CDateTime? Thanks.

P.S. I talked with the head legal honcho at EclipseCon about this issue, and she confirmed that an IP log entry is still necessary even if the contribution is less than 250 lines. Up to this point, I had been ignoring this because all of the patches I've committed are below the limit. According to her, BugZilla can be our safety net to track the necessary info, but we still need to have the single reportable tracking file for everything. Also, because we are not yet compliant with the incubation rules, all contributions over 250 lines must pass the full IPZilla process before they are committed. If we get compliant, we'll be able to use the parallel IP process -- commit first and ask questions later. :-)

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