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[nebula-dev] Requesting Approval for 3 new widgets into Nebula

Hello Nebula!

Here's a modified re-post of my (swt) newsgroup message. The intent with this message is to see if Nebula would like to have the 3 widgets I've written.

I have over the last few years written (and used) a few widgets - from
scratch. I always contemplated what to do with them outside of the software
I was using them for (I always kept the license to myself whenever they were
implemented in applications), and I decided in the end that what better than
to release them to the community of fellow SWT and Eclipse developers!

There are currently three very well tested and developed widgets
(they have been part of private software so you may have seen them
somewhere, and prior to me adding some more features and refactoring, they
were fully tested on Windows, OSX, Linux). They are adapted for Java 5.0+
and have been tested using Eclipse 3.3 (Europa). There may still be bugs
however (always is!) - just a warning.

1. Collapsible Buttons (v 1.0)

This may sound like your typical "click a button and it goes to the top to
reveal a widget between", but it's not. This widget was modeled after the
button composite in the bottom left corner of Microsoft Outlook 2005/2007.
It looks and feels and works exactly the same (resizable vertically,
hide/show buttons, etc) and even has options for putting a Theme on it,
(comes with the 3 XP themes and Office 2007 theme). It's also highly
customizable, so you can basically customize whatever you do not like. This
widget (prior to further modifications) was tested and working on Windows,
OS/X, Linux.

2. Calendar Combo (v 1.0)

There are a few calendar widgets out there already, but I never liked any of
them. I wanted the Outlook calendar dropdown, because (A) It was pretty, (B)
Functionally easy to use (C) It looked native. So I wrote one from scratch
with the main criteria being that it would look just as native as the
Outlook one, and basically act and feel the same (as far as it's doable
without using Windows API). The result (in my opinion) is pretty darn good.
This is probably the least customizable widget for various reasons, but just
like #1, it also skins itself like the active Windows XP theme. It currently
does not have a Outlook 2007 look and feel, but as that is more or less
XP-like, I'm not in a hurry. This widget (prior to further modifications)
was tested and working on Windows, OSX, Linux. Steve Northover helped me fix
a bug in SWT so that this widget could work (back in 2005)

3. GANTT Chart (v 1.0)

The most complex widget of them all with so much work put into... It started
ages ago by being modeled after Microsoft Project (as it sadly is the best
GANTT-based application out there). However, the entire GANTT chart is
highly customizable. It has features such as:

- Drag & Drop single/multiple events
- Estimated dates on events vs. Actual dates
- Resize events
- Zoom in/out
- Checkpoints
- Scopes
- Dependencies
- Much much more

All widgets, and especially the GANTT chart were built with full
customizability in mind and with ease of customization in mind as well (as
easy as it can get anyway). I've written SWT application code for years and
I know how frustrating confusing third party API's can be, I'm hoping I
managed to not get there. So basically, if you wanted to turn the GANTT
chart into something completely different, you probably could!

The code will need some modification to match the guidelines but that should fairly easy.

For much more information, screenshots, downloads, source code, API etc,
please visit I've tried to document things on the
website as much as I can, but I'm sure that process can always improve, so
do let me know.



Emil Crumhorn
Senior Software Engineer

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