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[nebula-dev] [CompositeTable] fast scrolling behaves oddly

This sounds correct.  Wow, you really have deeply understood how CompositeTable works.  Please file a bug and I'll test on Win32.  Is there anyone out there with a Mac?


Dave Orme

thanks a lot for the positive feedback! Always nice to hear :-)

I have a more pickier problem I just managed to solve for GTK+ (I'll
test things on Win32 asap) and I would appreciate a lot your ideas on
this issue & my possible fix as this one gets deeper into compositeTable
and SWT. But take your time! I really do not want to put more stress on
you than you certainly already have :-(

The issue can be experienced when you scroll the table by mouse-wheel
very fast and you scroll the current row outside the viewport. It gets
more frequent the more widgets are visible (the more complex a row is).
The issue is that an arbitrary scrolled-in row (after the current row
was scrolled out) gets focused and gets 'current row' - I clearly
tracked it down to focusGained() in InternalComposite. I believe that
the newly focused row is actually the one that got scrolled out and was
repositioned to the top (and refreshed with new model-content).
I believe that this is due to deferredSetFocus() that gets delayed a lot
and gets executed only when the row was repositioned and scrolled in (on
the top) again.
My possible fix (tested for GTK) is to keep track of the control to
focus delayedly (asyncExec) by setting the instance variable
this.toFocus. Furthermore to clear that instance variable on row
departure & fire a focusOut-event on the other hand. I try to prevent
any deferredSetFocus() that would focus any control that was departed
and is visible again, when asyncExec finally gets executed.

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