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Re: [mylyn-integrators] StoryMarkup


Great to hear about your progress and ideas. 

Please find some comments below:

On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 4:36 AM, Aaron Digulla <digulla@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
... snip ...

Right now, I'm struggling with these problems:

- For PDF export, I need better control over the gaps between paragraphs
and lists. For this, I need to know the last paragraph before a list,
the first list item, the last list item and the first paragraph after a

You may find that this is relatively easy to do with XSL-FO.  It could be that you'll need to implement your own DocumentBuilder to achieve your goals.  You could take the existing one from WikiText and copy/modify it to suit your needs.

- For these kinds of text, WikiLinks don't make sense. Instead, the
editor should figure out by itself which words should be a link (like
names of places, characters or items). For example, Adviser Rarrarar has
such a unique name, it's really simple to notice and link. It's a bit
more complex for "Rako" (which is the name of a character, a family and
a star system).

Generally the WikiText editor itself doesn't know a lot about links.  It's the MarkupLanguage that knows where links start and end.

- Novel editors must be smart about "good text". They must highlight
things like repetitive words, paragraphs always starting with the same
word, comma positions (">>," instead of ",>>")

WikiText provides a validation framework that may be of some help here.  Some good examples of validation can be found in the Textile markup language.  Take a look at the org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext.core.markupValidationRule extension point.
- I have three foreign languages in the text. In one of them, you can't
have "can't", "haven't", "didn't" (i.e. they don't slur words together).
In another, you have extreme slang. For these, I need different spell
checkers in the same line of text.

You're in new territory here.  I don't know how the Eclipse spellchecker is configured.
- There must be quick/near instant navigation in the whole novel.

- The editor should automatically figure out what is used in which
section, so it can build a list of sections in which a character is
mentioned (or even appears).

- There should be simple tools like word count, progress (so you can say
"I want to write 1500 words today"), version control, automatic backup.
I'd also like auto-save everywhere and a full undo history.

- Filtering the markup from the text to get a clean text stream to pump
through Lucene.

The easiest way to do this is probably to render HTML and pass that to Lucene (there are almost certainly good HTML adapters for Lucene).  If that doesn't work out for you, you could extend DocumentBuilder.



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