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Re: [mylyn-integrators] integration test; importance of ITask attributes?

Hello Larry,

re ITask attributes: I think that ITask is simply abstraction which
Mylyn uses in UI (mostly task list), while TaskData is for storing all
data you need to show/change in task editor.

In my connector I store only two attributes in ITask: one attribute
for helping ConnectorUI decide which icon to provide to Mylyn, and
other one to keep timestamp of last full (not partial) task
synchronization. My impression is that you don't need to bother
mapping other attributes which neither Mylyn nor your ConnectorUI
uses. (I am also interested in more authoritative answer for this :-)


On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 9:14 PM, Larry Edelstein
<ledelstein@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have an integration test that
> - creates some tasks in my native task database
> - calls connector.getTaskData(..)
> - calls TasksUi.getRepositoryModel().createTask(..)
> - calls connector.updateTaskFromTaskData(..)
> - verifies that the task has the right summary, owner, etc.
> Question: instead of making those three calls, is there a less granular call
> I can make to get the same result?
> I'm also wondering if I should bother mapping attributes into the task when
> they're not represented by any methods in ITask.  For instance, comments
> aren't covered by ITask.  In my integration test, I want to verify them, but
> unless I explicitly set them, perhaps by overriding applyTo(ITask) my own
> subclass of TaskMapper, I have to find them in the taskData, rather than the
> task.
> I gather that ITasks are lightweight facades for heavier TaskData, so maybe
> I shouldn't.
> Thoughts?
> Larry Edelstein
> Senior Member of Technical Staff
> ledelstein@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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