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[mylyn-integrators] Task repository design enforces one client?

From what I can tell, the TaskRepository class represents the repository (server) and the interface (client) to the task repository.  This assumption probably makes life simpler from Mylyn’s point of view, but it lacks flexibility.


An example:

  - The repository server and database resides at

  - A web-based client is available at

  - A separate windows thick client is available from


In my example, the same repository tasks could be accessed and modified by either the web or windows client.  It doesn’t make sense to define the web-based client as one task repository and the windows thick client as a separate task repository.  But I think this is what the Mylyn TaskRepository design enforces.  From looking at other connectors (Bugzilla, Trac, and Jira), it appears they’re quite happy with this restriction.  So perhaps this has never been an issue before?


If each client were identified as a separate TaskRepository instance, my understanding is that each instance would have its own task list, managed separately, even though they’re really the same tasks from the same repository server.


I’m working on a ClearQuest connector for an environment that’s similar to the above example.  The repository server and database resides at one URL, but there are multiple interfaces available to access and modify tasks and bugs from that repository:  a web-client on one server (CQWeb interface) and a windows thick client on another.






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