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Re: [mylyn-commons-dev] Question about httpcomponents.httpcore and httpclient versions


the current plan is to update to the latest HttpClient 4.2.x (the one that's available in Orbit). We haven't done it, yet, but are tracking the update on this bug and I'm confident that we can do it for the next Luna milestone:

381543: update dependencies to HttpClient 4.2

The main driver for the update is improved authentication support for NTLM. 

I haven't looked at the 4.3 change log but in the past we have generally tried to stay on a current version. It looks like HttpClient is still 4.3-beta2 (while HttpCore 4.3 is already released). Assuming that HttpClient 4.3 is released in the next few month I would be open to moving Mylyn up as well but we haven't discussed it, yet.

I think it's great if Mylyn/platform/ECF synchronize on the matured 4.2.5 release of HttpClient for now and revisit updating to 4.3 once it's released. 



On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 4:49 AM, David M Williams <david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I've noticed, via Orbit, that for Luna, Mylyn has "moved up" to httpcomponents.httpcore and httpclient to versions not in Kepler (4.2.4 and 4.2.5).

I've also noticed that according to
there is already a 4.3 version of 'core', and I'd assume 'client' will be released "soon"? (before Luna?).

I'm just curious ... did you "move up" to 4.2.4 and 4.2.5 for specific functionality and will now likely "stay there" for Luna?
Or, did you "move up" just to be on the latest from the project, and likely to do the same thing for 4.3?

I'm asking since this impacts "us" in both ECF and in p2/platform (and we need to be well coordinated); so just wanted a better idea of what to plan for.


mylyn-commons-dev mailing list

Steffen Pingel
Principal Software Engineer, Eclipse Mylyn
Mylyn Tasks Lead

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