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[mylar-dev] Re: Nested groups in Task List

Yes, this is a key plan item and likely to make it into 2.0M4. Fyi, the current work-around is to prefix the name of your categories with some tag (I have 25 queries and 4 categories and without that couldn't keep things straight).

To summarize the current thinking, we want to keep the interaction with the Task List as simple as possible (i.e. minimize the amount of hierarchy). So we're thinking of killing a few birds with one stone and allowing you to tag any container or task with a label (e.g. "Mylar" or "Home"). then in the place of the current active task hyperlink (moving to window trim) we could put a tag chooser, so that the top of the Task List looks like this:

Find: [          ]    Show: [       All v]  (clicking shows menu below)
                             Edit Tags...

This would provide a very quick mechanism for choosing one or more groups to be visible, without adding the UI complications of a working-set style mechanism. However, conceptually it is very similar to working sets so we will continue exploring reusing that. Later we could automatically create labels for working sets (e.g. if your projects have task repository associations). This crosscuts a number of bugs:

153573: support nesting top level task list elements, e.g. via working sets

168363: provide mechanism for starring/tagging/bookmarking a task

165391: support tagging and searching over task tags and properties

144161: Use trim bar to show currently active task


Mario Winterer wrote:

At the moment, Mylar's "Task List" does not offer any concept for organizing repository queries or anything similar like nested groups or workingsets.

I'm currently working with three different repositories. All queries get mixed up - I wished I could group the queries by repository. (At the moment the workaround is to prepend the repository name to all query names manually.)

Is there a plan item addressing that issue?


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