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[mylar-dev] Authentication problems

I'm trying to use the bugzilla classes to access a bugzilla repository. I've sucessfully ran the BugzillaQueryTest.

Now I'm trying to access our own bugzilla, using a username and password. To access the repository, I have the following lines of code:

                fRepository=new TaskRepository(BugzillaCorePlugin.REPOSITORY_KIND, repositoryURL, IBugzillaConstants.BugzillaServerVersion.SERVER_218.toString());
                fRepository.setAuthenticationCredentials(username, password);

As output, I get 'null' twice, which means that the authentication information is not set. If I trace down to TaskRepository.setAuthenticationCredentials into getAuthInfo(), I find that Platform.getAuthorizationInfo() always returns null.

If I continue, and do try to run a search, I get the resulting status message:
Status ERROR: org.eclipse.mylar.bugzilla.ui code=4 Login error occurred while querying Bugzilla Server http://bugs.intranet.
Ensure proper configuration in Task Repositories View. Invalid Username Or Password children=[Status ERROR: org.eclipse.mylar.bugzilla.ui code=4 class Invalid Username Or Password Status ERROR: org.eclipse.mylar.bugzilla.ui code=0 search failed Invalid Username Or Password]

Any thoughts?

Klaas Bals  -  CTO
Inventive Designers
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