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RE: [mylar-dev] Custom repository connector


I would also like to implement a custom repository connector for an in-house issue tracking system, but I'm having a little trouble getting started as I've never worked on an Eclipse plug-in before.

Could you possibly give me a few pointers on how to get started?

1. Do I need to build all or part of Mylar, or can I develop my connector in a separate project (and compile against Mylar jars)?
2. What is the set of classes that I need to extend (AbstractRepositoryConnector, ITaskRepositoryListener, etc)? I can't find any documentation on this.

Many thanks,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: mylar-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx 
> [mailto:mylar-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Igor Czechowski
> Sent: quinta-feira, 1 de Junho de 2006 14:09
> To: Mylar developer discussions
> Subject: Re: [mylar-dev] Custom repository connector
> Mik,
> I've read all those information within the link you provided.
> The problem is that the tool I would like to integrate with is based
> on explainPMT, but has custom modification and exceeds the
> functionality drastically,
> The tool is at that moment a proprietary one, but there might be an
> option that it will be contributed to the original one.
> The tool is written with Rails which I'm not familiar with. Until I
> gain more knowledge I going to design separate service that will
> provide me access to repository.
> Thanks
>   Igor
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