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RE: [mylar-dev] interest for issues

Yes, we had a prototype quality version of that working and the ideas and
motivation are based on the Hipikat work.  I'm hoping that we re-enable it
in the UI not too long after Active Search gets its revamp, tentatively
scheduled for 0.4.10.  

The way the prototype worked is that if an element became a landmark the
Bugzilla related elements provider would find all reports that referred to
that element.  I used it a bit but not enough to figure out how helpful it
was.  What I would like now is an additional provider that finds all reports
that refer to the active one (e.g. via a reference like "bug 123", or an
explicit dependency).  There are fancier Hipikat like heuristics that could
be applied to find relevant reports, but that's more of a research problem,
and our current goal is to provide the task context and implicit search
infrastructure that fancier providers to be built on.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: mylar-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mylar-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
>    Can you please clarify if current active search include bugs/issues
> that somehow related to particular landmarks?
>    I think it would be neat to see know errors/issues for those
> landmarks in order to increase awareness about other activities. Is this
> something that Hipikat project was trying to do?

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