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Re: [mylar-dev] mylar 0.4.0 is now available

On 10/31/05, Mik Kersten <beatmik@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks for the feedback Eugene!  Comments inline below.

-- Content from one of the issue categories that I previously had in Mylar's Task List just disappeared. That was last category in the view, so it could be again related to the glitch with restart from the update manager.

This is probably which indicates that task list saves need to be even more eager than they are to be more robust to crashes and update manager restarts.  Could you comment on that report what kind of category it was (i.e. plan or bugzilla query) and what disappeared from it?

  That was plain category and all items had disappeared. I've tried to add a new one and still saw only newly added task there. Category was the last one in the list.

-- "Task List" name for the view is somehow confusing with basic Tasks view. Why don't you nme this view Mylar?

 I've been going back and forth on this.  The name should be short and not get confused with the Tasks view, and indicative of the fact that this is a task list.  Note that if you only download the bugzilla support you still get the task list but no Mylar UI, since the task list is extended by the Mylar UI.  But I'm tempted to change the name back to Mylar Tasks, or possibly to Mylar Task List but the latter seems a bit long because it does seem confusing with the word Mylar in there.

  Why don't you replace existing Tasks view? You just need to add some support for it in Mylar's task view...

-- Activate and Deactivate actions should both appear in a pop-up menu in the task list (it is already long enough)

They currently do appear in the popup if you right click a task, right at the top of the list.  If you don't see them consider uninstalling any old versions of Mylar in case there is a conflict.

  Sorry. That is my typo. They both should _not_appear in the popup menu. Each task is either active or not active.

-- Bugzilla-related actions should be in a pop-up menu. They look really out of place in a view menu.

That makes sense—they moved off the toolbar, which was getting too wide, into the local pull-down.  Are you suggesting moving them out of the pull-down to only appear in the pop-up?

  These actions are sort of context-specific and does not really related to the view itself.


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