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Re: [mylar-dev] integrating weird issue-tracking providers

Mik Kersten wrote:

Eugene, you sent this message last month.  We now have the global handle
identifiers for bug reports (kind, server, id) and have the notion of
incoming/outgoing/conflicting changes to bug reports.  So as you suggest it
could make sense to figure out whether the easiest way to support multiple
providers is via RSS, since there is a natural overlap.  Do you know which
of the issue tracking repositories are using RSS?  Is it common developers
get notified of bugs/comments by watching the feeds rather getting email?
Bugzilla 2.20, JIRA, Trac and few others has support for RSS feeds and I guess it is all depends from the tools developers using for tracking issues. All in all it would be great to have support for RSS queries in mylar.

Anyway, if you are planning to add other providers to Mylar then maybe you can move at least minimally needed infrastructure from bugzilla plugin? At least new repository wizard and extension points for predefined queries...


-----Original Message-----
From: mylar-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mylar-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Eugene Kuleshov
Sent: August 16, 2005 5:43 PM
To: Mylar developer discussions
Subject: [mylar-dev] integrating weird issue-tracking providers

 I'd like to clarify/suggest one more thing about issue-tracking

 In reality there are number of really weird issue-tracking systems
around. Each of them would require custom provider and in some cases it
is almost impossible to implement. E.g. IBM and Borland's enterprise
issue-tracking systems, SourceForge's tracker, ancient versions of JIRA
(one of the repositories I have to deal with), customized Bugzilla
(CollabNet portals like, and, etc.

 However majority of those beasts provide a web-based UI and have email
(and more rarely RSS) notification about new issues or issue changes.
This should allow to integrate Mylar with pretty much any type of the
issue-tracking systems with very reasonable dev effort, as long as there
is an RSS feed or personal email box accessible trough JavaMail-friendly
API like pop3/imap and possibly Lotus Notes.

 So, it is very important to agree on a common API for issue-tracking
repositories. It should at least provide global name space, like type +
url (or label) for all issue-tracking repositories registered in a
workspace, so this model could be used by plugin contributors.

 I think that email/rss-based provider fits nicely into the API
originally implemented for Bugzilla Integration Plugin. So, it should be
a good starting point.

 This may have some impact on Mylar issue 106938 "Implement "new"
marker for Bugzilla query" because "new" marker should be contributed by
the repository plugin and could even reside on a server if there is such
support (like for pop3/imap).


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