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[mosquitto-dev] Accepting connection based on client's certificate


I have a question about solving following situation:

 - I have a TLS enabled mosquitto server, which is configured to accept only connections with client certificate signed by defined authority

 - suppose I have additional application logic, that can decide whether certificate should be granted access, although it seems to be otherwise valid

 - I cannot use OCSP stapling (let's just suppose that)

I have successfully solved this by adding a "hook" to the src/handle_connect.c - a configurable executable that receives certificate can be run and return zero (success) or non-zero (deny access).

The question now is - would this solution be acceptable upstream? Is there better solution (one that comes in mind is maybe extend auth plugin somehow)? I see the fact that a subprocess is forked on each incoming connection as only a minor performance issue given that it gives (a little) additional security in that if the "plugin" crashes for whatever reason then it affects only the incoming connection and not the server as a whole.

Thanks for any comments,


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