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Re: [mosquitto-dev] Mosquitto over SSL refuses publishing message

Aman Alam <shekh.aman@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

> listener 8883
> certfile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
> cafile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
> keyfile /etc/letsencrypt/live/
> "

I would recommend that you read about and understand x.509/pkix.
It's hard to debug TLS things without understanding the big picture.

While moquitto.conf says

       certfile file path
           Path to the PEM encoded server certificate.

I found that it's necessary to use "fullchain" with certfile, rather
than "cert".  I think this is therefore a documentation bug.  Or perhaps
it's just underspecified, and mosquitto will happily read the certfile
and send exactly the certs in it.  Depending on whether there are
intermediate certificates present, and whether the validator has those
configured as trust anchors, validation may fail.

Of course, mosquitto has to be able to read all the files you point it
at.  Until it starts without errors in the log (read every line and
understand it), you should of course resolve that before trying to

mosquitto.conf also says

       cafile file path
           At least one of cafile or capath must be provided to enable SSL

           cafile is used to define the path to a file containing the PEM
           encoded CA certificates that are trusted.

       capath directory path
           At least one of cafile or capath must be provided to enable SSL

           capath is used to define a directory that contains PEM encoded CA
           certificates that are trusted. For capath to work correctly, the
           certificates files must have ".pem" as the file ending and you must
           run "openssl rehash <path to capath>" each time you add/remove a

which is confusing when one is trying to turn on TLS on a listener but
not have inbound client certificates.  I would rewrite this as

       cafile /path/to/ca-file.pem
           cafile is used to define the path to a file containing a set
           of trust anchor certificates in PEM format.  This can be a
           single CA, if one wishes.  It could also be
           ca-certificates.crt from the mozilla rootcerts bundle, if one
           wishes to accept certificates signed by any CA allowed by

           In addition to setting the trust anchor path for validating
           certificates, setting cafile for a listener causes the
           listener to operate in TLS mode.   Thus it is necessary to
           set cafile (or capath) to listen in TLS, even if client
           certificates are not used.

       capath /path/to/ca-dir
           capath is like cafile, except that instead of file with all
           trust anchor certificates, it refers to an openssl-format
           certificate directory with PEM-encoded files containing CA
           certificates.  The certificate files must have ".pem" as the
           file ending, and must have symlinks named by their hashes.
           These symlinks are typically created by running "openssl
           rehash /path/to/c-adir" each time you add or remove a

           capath also enables TLS on a listener; see cafile for

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