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Re: [mosquitto-dev] How to create users using php or javascript in mosquitto

Hi Srinivas.

On 2016-07-26 12:49, Srinivas Pokala wrote:
> Username successfully created using linux command with: 
> "mosquitto_passwd /etc/mosquitto/passwd guest".
> I need to create same with php or javascript how?

Looking at the source of mosquitto_passwd
basically all it does to generate the resulting line you see in the
password file is:

1) draw a random 12 byte binary salt
2) hash the combination of password and salt using sha512
3) write username, base64 encoded salt, base64 encoded hash in one line

A PHP implementation would use something like this ($salt is fixed for
demonstration purposes, it ought to be random in production);

$hash=hash("sha512",$password.$salt, true);

Comparing against mosquitto_passwd using a one-liner (uses the base64
salt from output to be able to correlate the two);

$ mosquitto_passwd -b ~/mosq_passwd_test Bitten Insect
$ cat ~/mosq_passwd_test

$ php -r '$username="Bitten"; $password="Insect";
$salt_base64="mfJ0Eq3rIDLKG33r"; $salt=base64_decode($salt_base64);
$hash=hash("sha512",$password.$salt, true);

As can be seen, the PHP generated password line are identical to the
mosquitto_passwd generated.

I have also successfully tested authentication against the mosquitto
broker with PHP generated users. One caveat is that the above can
generate a salt of arbitrary length, but the broker must see a 12 byte
binary salt (16 byte base64) or authentication will fail.

Note however, that this hasn't been tested on more than a few
username/password pairs, there might be other issues lurking.


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