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[mosquitto-dev] Mosquitto pub/sub problem


I successfully built/compiled from Mosquitto source v1.2.3.
I started the mosquitto broker. I’m trying publishing messages and subscribing to them (all on the same device). But the subscriber doesn’t receive any published message?

mosquitto_sub -d -t sensors/value


Client mosqsub/1896-clanton sending CONNECT

Client mosqsub/1896-clanton received CONNACK

Client mosqsub/1896-clanton sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: sensors/value, QoS: 0)

Client mosqsub/1896-clanton sending PINGREQ

Client mosqsub/1896-clanton received PINGRESP

Client mosqsub/1896-clanton sending PINGREQ

Client mosqsub/1896-clanton received PINGRESP

Client mosqsub/1896-clanton sending PINGREQ

Client mosqsub/1896-clanton received PINGRESP

Client mosqsub/1896-clanton sending PINGREQ

Client mosqsub/1896-clanton received PINGRESP

Client mosqsub/1896-clanton sending PINGREQ

Client mosqsub/1896-clanton received PINGRESP

mosquitto_pub -d -m "Test" -t sensors/value


Client mosqsub/1896-clanton sending CONNECT

Client mosqsub/1896-clanton received CONNACK

Client mosqsub/1896-clanton sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: sensors/value, QoS: 0)

Anyone an idea what goes wrong here?


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