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Re: [modeling-pmc] Migration of /cvsroot/org.eclipse www/modeling to /gitroot/

I have more to say... I hit "send" by accident.

I'll follow up on this insightful response shortly.


On 11/27/2012 01:52 PM, Wayne Beaton wrote:
Hi Ed.

On 11/24/2012 12:12 AM, Ed Merks wrote:

With the restructuring process (eliminating container projects and terminating inactive projects, i.e., now underway, I've asked for some leniency in the migration time frame for the website.

Personally, I'd prefer not to migrate all the out-of-date baggage, but rather to start with something fresh in git.  I'll work with Wayne on how best to proceed.

Of course individual projects can choose to move at their own pace and should migrate their source repos immediately if they haven't already done so.  Projects that don't do so demonstrate that they are inactive and will be considered for termination.


On 23/11/2012 10:56 PM, Ed Willink wrote:

Many modeling projects currently share the common modeling infrastructure hosted by www/modeling in CVS.

How is this being migrated to GIT?

Looking at /gitroot/, I can see that some projects have independent repos: Xtext, emf/compare, modeling/amalgam but most projects have no presence at all.

Assuming that no new infrastructure is going to be ready in four weeks, shouldn't we just pick a date and move www/modeling in it's entirety? When new infrastructure is available projects can acquire their own repos.


        Ed Willink

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Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation
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Wayne Beaton
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