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[modeling-pmc] Hosting OMG OCL specification development at Ecl; ipse


OMG appear to be unable to provide a CM facility for development of its specifications: UML is hosted at and requests for a repository for OCL have been ignored.

My OMG RTF activities that make the OCL specification model-generated require a CM repository, so I would like to host some org.omg.ocl... plugins at cvsroot/modeling org.eclipse.mdt/org.eclipse.ocl/omg/... (migrating to GIT post Indigo).

As well as providing a host for OMG, it will also clearly distinguish the 'Eclipse-independent' OMG OCL plugins from the added-value Eclipse OCL plugins while allowing Eclipse OCL to layer on top of the OMG plugins.

Is this within project scope and acceptable?


        Ed Willink

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