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[modeling-pmc] Re: GMT code has not moved into Modeling

Anne and Janet,

There are many pending issues that should be solved for GMT
- non active components
- multi-purpose components
- isolated component (i.e. components that are not using other
modeling components)
- remaining uncleared code
- technology to modeling migration
- etc.

The reason for this situation is the long history of this project
that started under technology and that focused on research contributions.

Now we are moving to align GMT to other modeling projects
but this takes a lot of time, much more than initially planned.
To this purpose we have made the following moves :
- putting pressure for a completely cleared code
- discussing with the component owners that have "multi purpose
components" so that they define a clear goal for their component (e.g.
oAW and Epsilon); For oAW there seems to be a solution because they
have expressed the intention to move to other modeling projects. For
Epsilon we still have the complete problem.
- discussing with the components that do not seem to attract any user
traffic (e.g. VIATRA) and see with them what actions to take (one
extreme action is archiving)

In view of this situation it has not been possible since some time to
accept new components in GMT. Proposals are still waiting in the queue.

The plan is to take  decisions about all these pending problems at the
coming Eclipsecon conference in Santa Clara. Between now and Eclipsecon,
the discussion will go on to clarify the situation.

The decision will propose a roadmap to reorganize GMT.
This reorganization will keep only acceptable components
and will define a strict calendar for the micration from technology to modeling.
Needless to say that this action should only migrate IP cleared code.

This is the best we can do for the time being,

Best regards,


On Feb 1, 2008 3:31 AM, Anne Jacko <emo@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello Jean,
> We have noticed that the GMT code is still in /cvsroot/technology. Is
> there some reason why you have not yet moved it into /cvsroot/
> modeling? This should have happened back in April 2006 when the
> Modeling top-level project was created and GMT moved from Technology
> to Modeling.
> Please let me know your plans to accomplish this. We need you to have
> this finished by March 1, 2008.  Please let me know if you have any
> questions. Thanks.
> Anne Jacko
> emo@xxxxxxxxxxx

Jean Bézivin - ATLAS Group (INRIA & LINA) - University of Nantes - 2,
rue de la Houssinière
44322 Nantes cedex 3 - France
tel. +33 2 51 12 58 13 - fax. +33 2 51 12 58 12 - cell.+33 6 14 32 22 36
- e.mail: Jean.Bezivin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Skype: jbezivin
ICMT 2008: International Conference on Model Transformations
ETH Zurich, July 1-2, 2008,

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