Restructuring of the modeling project
Wayne Beaton <>
06/24/2013 11:50 PM

Hi Modeling PMC.

As you recall you initiated a Restructuring Review [1] late last year that flattens the Modeling top-level project by removing the mid-level "container" projects and terminated a large number of inactive projects. I've captured the activity around this restructuring in Bug 393862 [2].

Immediately following the review, I enumerated the required steps and initiated the termination and archival of twenty projects. In the months that followed, I have enumerated the required steps and initiated some of the moves as outlined in the the review document provided by the PMC.

As part of the Kepler reviews, I tried to get the Kepler participants to engage in the moves initiated by the PMC. There has been some push-back, but many of the projects have engaged in the process. Many, however, have not.

I intend to remain very flexible in terms of the timing and the natures of the moves. There are some corner cases, but most projects don't need to move their downloads and source repositories. I am in favour, for example, of phased migration of download sites for projects that want to do that sort of thing. I've been encouraging projects that don't have their own products in Bugzilla to request them. For the most part, a lot of these "moves" are little more than changes in the project's id (e.g. "modeling.emf.cdo" becomes "modeling.cdo"). Still, even with just an id change, there can be unanticipated side effects that we need to be sensitive to.

Many of the projects already have independent websites, but some are blocked waiting for the Modeling website infrastructure to be moved to Git/upgraded. Rather than invest significant energy in upgrading the Modeling website infrastructure, I recommend that projects be encouraged to either create their own independent websites, or leverage the PMI. We can set up as many redirects as possible to make this happen. Reception of the PMI has been generally good and I am very interested in extending it to cover functionality that the modeling website infrastructure supports. I need input to make that happen.

For those projects that have provided move information, the Webmaster has asked that we present the moves in batches; apparently, there's a bit of grove to moving projects and it's easier to do them this way. There are a few projects that are ready and waiting. I intend to pull the trigger sometime next week (following the Kepler release).

While I really do intend to be flexible with regard to implementing this restructuring, it makes no sense to leave it open-ended. Some projects just don't care about the move and have done nothing to assist with the process. At this point, I feel some reflection is required.

Is moving everything in one big review was just too ambitious?

How long is too long?

Is it time to back out of the review and maybe attempt to do this in smaller pieces?

Do we really want/need to remove all of the container projects?

What are you going to do about the website?

If this restructuring is to continue, it needs to be driven by the PMC. My role has to change to one of providing support.



Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects, The Eclipse Foundation
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